Thursday, July 10, 2008

Movie News

I never get to see decent movies anymore, but I'm hoping that will change soon, especially since I keep hearing about cool movies everywhere lately. Here are a few that sound fascinating, but may or may not ever get shown where I am. Likely not.
  • "In “Hassan and Morcos,” Adel Imam plays a Christian and Omar Sherif a Muslim who struggle against the extremists within each of their religious communities."
  • No one seems to know what is happening with Steven Soderbergh's movie Che, starring Benicio del Toro, but there is a rumor that it may headline the NY Film Festival.
  • "Since 1971, the year of Pakistan's partition, not a single film about Hindus has been made in Pakistan. But now it has and it's getting a great deal of international attention, including being shown at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival. ... Based on a true story the film depicts a Hindu Pakistani boy and his father who accidentally cross the Indo-Pak border in the shared desert region and consequently get captured by Indian forces who think they are spies." From MMW
If you want to know how boring my life is, I haven't even seen Wall-E, though I do think the things this review has to say about narrative models for each gender and the way the movie deals with them is wonderful.

Seemingly timid, Wall-E is actually bold and inherently masculine...which, in its ultimate self-sacrifice, brings us right back around again! He subverts the masculine stereotype as cover for sneakily fulfilling it, which he does to such a degree that he subverts it again!

Anyhow! Back to EVE. Quick recap: not really so kick-ass, if by kick-ass we mean "able to maintain personal autonomy and bodily integrity at will."

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