Friday, May 09, 2008

The hips have it

Also, in neat, but absolutely hilarious news: it appears that subcutaneous fat (the fat that collects on hip and thighs under the skin rather than on your organs in the belly) may actually be healthy. There has been a gathering mass of evidence that visceral (gut/organ) fat was more dangerous metabolically, but the news that fat on the hips and thighs may actually make one less likely to get diabetes or gain weight overall is news I take great pleasure in hearing.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should "toast" the news with a large Margarita, accompanies by Nachos, Queso, a cheese stuffed Pueblano pepper and a "death by chocolate cake" for dessert.....

Now I will Drink / eat to that!!!

HIP !! HIP !! Hooray !!!

Anonymous said...

So does that mean that as a health practicianer I sould be sure sll of my clients leave with a FAT LIP... sounds a little easier than padding their insurance bill.