Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Do vitamins help or hurt?

Humans seem to be slightly better at judging distance with their eyes than their feet. Far more interesting is that the test subjects sense of distance completely collapsed when they were lead by someone else. This fascinates me (though these results are extraordinarily preliminary and I shouldn't be drawing any conclusions) because I have certainly noticed how much better my sense of direction is if I have found my way to a place by myself instead of being shown the way or using the navigation service that I can get with my fancy new phone. I would love to see more research on this, especially if it focused on whether the effect is constant only in terms of navigation and judging distance or has wider implications for human learning. (I am thinking of the "you never know something until you have to teach it or use it yourself" idea.)

If the tail is wagging to the left, stay away.

How neat would it be if they starting using this conceptual design for residential space in New York City, or anywhere? You wouldn't have to go to the suburbs to have a yard.

Humans may tend to get happier as we age, but the happiness research that has come out over the last few years saying that we are happier about choices we make if we cannot back out of them may have been tainted by a statistical fallacy. The whole thing is explained based on an old TV show.

Christie's is auctioning off a triceratops skeleton. If only I were outrageously wealthy...

I have a feeling someone has been waiting to write this headline for a very long time, but "Archaeologists have trouble counting" is actually about accusations that Yale researchers have been lying (or were mistaken by a factor of ten) about the number of artifacts from Maccu Picchu they posses (or stole, depending on which side of the argument the reporter is on).

Scientists are getting very close to being able to grow sperm or eggs from cells elsewhere in the body (like skin). I will be thirty in a month (and two days) so I am all for any advances in fertility science. (Yes, I realize thirty is still young and I still feel like a kid half the time, so I don't want kids anytime soon, I'm just saying, progress is good.)

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