Speaking of falling, why is it that the Presidents who were the biggest jocks can’t seem to remain upright? Gerry Ford was probably the best athlete to ever hold the office, and thanks to Chevy Chase, he’ll always be remembered as the guy who took a header down the steps of Air Force One.

1)January 2002: The President fainted for a brief time in the residence of the White House while eating a pretzel and watching a professional football game on television. He suffered a bruise to his lower lip and a scrape on his left cheek bone.
2)June 2003: While attempting to operate a Segway personal transportation device President Bush somehow fell over the handle bars but was uninjured. Physically, that is. The picture probably hurt his pride a bit.

3)May 2004: Bush fell off of his bicycle while riding on his ranch in Crawford, TX and received minor abrasions to his chin, upper lip, nose, right hand and both knees. Luckily he had been wearing both a helmet and (no shit) a mouth guard.
As you would expect with all of this inadvertent gravitational interaction, people are bound to have a bit of fun. Of course when you are the President, there’s really only one kind of fall that matters.
"According to Walkowitz, a 19th century city would commonly have 1 prostitute per 36 inhabitants, or 1 per 12 adult males"
Every time I am reminded of figures like these in the Victorian era I am amazed all over again.
Amazed? Aren't you the girl that introduced Marc and I to that courtesan movie?
1) That's not the Victorian period.
2) I love that movie.
3) I know the statistics about Victorian England and prostitutes. But I always read them and talk about them and then a year later am telling myself I can't be remembering the figures right. If these were true today there would be over 10 million prostitutes in the US today.
Also, considering this list, maybe he has good reason for wearing a mouth guard when he rides his bike.
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