Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Designer Presents Himself, or Herself.

There is a god!

And he's pissed!


Anonymous said...
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magnoliasitter said...

You really should have watched the Bill Maher show with Salman Rushdie, Andrew Sullivan and Ben Affleck. Rushdie hypothesized much the same thing, except with a reason that God was annoyed at the quality of his followers.

As to the horrible natural disasters in the world...Please do not forget the earthquake that has left Kashmir in tatters and (by today's estimates) 79,000 people dead. The hurricanes are nearer to us, but we cannot forget what has happened to the people of India and Pakistan.

Sorry to be self righteous, I just can't believe what the world has brought to bear on humans this year and it is too easy to start forgetting those that aren't close by.

I'm going to stop now. And one day I will do a post on all the hurricane research I did day.

Monkey Courage said...

Kashmir? Will I still be able to get sweaters?

magnoliasitter said...

How many cashmir sweaters do you believe actually come from Kashmir? Hasn't the explosion in the availability of cashmir made you curious.

Monkey Courage said...

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

Actually, I'm terribly concerned about the people of Kashmir. Not only are they wartorn and disputed country, but now they have to deal with whole communities destroyed from earthquake and potentially more from the onset of winter. They've already had several sub-zero evenings and many are living under plastic tarps and leantos with no protection from the elements. Many local physicians think the those they are unable to reach who are injured will not survive.

magnoliasitter said...

BTW, Andy Sullivan has a take on the rumor mill in DC about Plamegate up.

I was teasing you and getting on my high horse alittle, but I knew you would be watching it. The entire situation is almost beyond belief.