Friday, October 28, 2005

The wages of hubris

Vgjcd (please change your id to something pronounceable!) is gonna love this. While reading it, I kept thinking that, “we need a word that describes the author of literary fiction.” So figured I would coin the neologism, “literauteur” which I thought was pretty sweet. In fact, the more I thought about it, the prouder I became -- until I decided to check it out at dictionary dot com. As it turns out being a shitty speller is no substitute for cleverness. The real word is litterateur – and we can only hope that I have learned a valuable lesson.

P.S. Methinks I smell a horror writer meme cookin in the cauldron...


MuggleMarc said...

Vgjcd might also be interested to know that King's next Dark Tower installment will be published by Marvel, in Graphic Novel format.

magnoliasitter said...

BTW, there was no prior discussion that led to the horror writer meme.