Friday, October 28, 2005

Just when you thought Anne Rice's artistic integrity was gone...

It was bad enough when she decided to go on Amazon and respond to critics of her book. The response is long and I won't include it all hear but just know that this women wants people to know these things.

You are interrogating this text from the wrong perspective. Indeed, you aren't even reading it. You are projecting your own limitations on it. And you are giving a whole new meaning to the words "wide readership." And you have strained my Dickensean principles to the max. I'm justifiably proud of being read by intellectual giants and waitresses in trailer parks, in fact, I love it, but who in the world are you? ... And no, I have no intention of allowing any editor ever to distort, cut, or otherwise mutilate sentences that I have edited and re-edited, and organized and polished myself. I fought a great battle to achieve a status where I did not have to put up with editors making demands on me, and I will never relinquish that status. For me, novel writing is a virtuoso performance.
Not everybody agrees with her that editors are the devil, and some people even think that commercialization is the problem with literature today, but I think we can all agree that when you create a musical with Elton John writing the lyrics you have forever lost the right to talk about artistic integrity. Even if you do write your next book about Jesus Christ; especially if you write your next book about Jesus Christ.

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