Monday, February 02, 2009

Ars Technica has a massive and absolutely gorgeous rant on e-books.

I'm not going to tell you that you really do want to read a novel off a screen. I am going to tell you that your reticence to do so has absolutely nothing to do with the state of screen technology, despite your fervent protestations to the contrary. (…where "you" is a statistically average fuzz of an individual, obviously. Some people have legitimate physical issues with prolonged reading from emissive screens—and paper, for that matter. They are in the statistical noise, however.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what the FRAK!!! Are they saying starbuck was God? Or an angel (but one that actually impacts things directly, not like the "red dress" version.
The number 1 question everyone had about the finally of BSG was "who is this starbuck"...and they just let it drop... Frakking G-Holes!!!

I'll give you some words you can't say on TV!!! FRAK!!!