Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Ok, I’m back. Sorry for the self imposed exile over the past month or so, as many of you know (and are surely tired of my whining about) I’ve been kind of busy over the last few months. Between the end of October and November, I flew someplace four out of five weekends. Which may be par for the course for those of you with travel jobs, but was…a strain on my delicate neurological constitution. The skies, to me, are a vastly friendlier place to view than to inhabit. Booze helps, though.

Shortly after returning from my last aeronautical adventure (Denmark) I decided to move which, along with Christmas, pretty much soaked up any spare time I might have had in December. The New Year dawned with my father’s hip replacement surgery – which went fantastically well - and that segued (a week later) into the COOLEST BIRTHDAY EVER.

My brother and girlfriend planned and (flawlessly) executed a surprise party for my 30th birthday that involved importing folks from as far away as California. I was, needless to say, shocked and thrilled beyond my power to describe. Here’s my “losing my mind” face as I walk into the bar where – very unexpectedly – everybody knew my name.

As it turns out everyone in my life is vastly sneakier than I had previously given them credit for. I would like to say Thank You to all of those who could come and to everyone who even thought about trying. And, of course, an extra special thanks goes to all those (especially Rae and Jeff) who had a hand in the planning and execution.

Anyway, there is a link here somewhere. Over this past weekend (at the party) I mentioned an article I have lately found fascinating. It’s by Malcom Gladwell and concerns the idea of creative communities. It’s called Group Think.

1 comment:

MuggleMarc said...

I know that I've said this a few times already, but last weekend was the most fun I've had in a long long time. So yes, Jeff and Rachel, thanks again for organizing this, and thank you Brian for providing the reason.

I haven't had a chance to read the article yet, but I'll get to it soon.

And I love that picture!