Thursday, February 10, 2011

Possible new beginnings

I haven't done anything with this in a long, long time. When I read advice about blogs I consistently hear people advising you to focus on one thing and that has never, ever been my specialty. The very stress of attempting to decide on topics and what-not end up making the process far more stressful. However, I also spend much of my life reading (or explaining food and drink) and I have long wanted to keep track of such things for myself.

This is a little bit of a problem for me because my reading so runs the gamut. I may well be about to start up on a new Eloise James romance novel, but I occasionally find literary theory just as diverting. One end of that spectrum is a little embarrassing and the other tends to make most people's eyes roll back in their heads when I am speaking of it.

Yet, I am pretty sure most of the people I know have long given up on me ever continuing to write here, which frees me to make it a little more journalistic (in the personal, not professional sense) and so I will see what happens.

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