Monday, October 06, 2008

I've been away for a while. Once again life sort of caught up with me and my life has been somewhat frazzled. This became more annoying when I finally came back onto my blog to realize that my last day of posting was truly snarky and I have left it up here for a month-and-a-half. Such is life. I am going to be trying to pick things back up, but it will be happening very slowly as I am trying to defend in the near future and my time has been a bit overstretched lately. However, I do have some very happy news; this is a picture of my new nephew and his big sister:

Update: Also, I have been less interesting than usual because by deep and abiding obsession with the US presidental election has been eating up far too much of my news reading time, despite my dissapointing inability to find time to work with the campaign like I did during the primaries. I am justifing myself by listing the many things I have to do (and the medical stuff that has been swamping my life for the last month between my recovery and my sister's pregnancy) and encouraging everyone I know to volunter even if I can't. You should all get to it so I don't have to feel bad.

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