Monday, July 07, 2008


I have decided to start my blogging back up with something of a splash. It is, of course, a study and one that I found through Echidne of the Snakes. This was surprising; since I figured out GoogleReader and got my science feeds going no blog gets science studies up before I have seen them. Anyway, just read this:
Forty-five women reported the frequency of a variety of sexual behaviors and rated the facial attractiveness and friendliness of 24 men. Women who reported more frequent orgasm from masturbation rated men as less friendly. This finding might be reflective of the more anti-social attitude associated with more frequent masturbation. The results also show that women who engaged more frequently in most kinds of sexual behavior, not only PVI, considered unknown men to be less facially attractive.

I have all sorts of comments running around in my head about this one, but I think I had better not start back with that much of a splash, so I'll just leave you with the knowledge that I think (if it stands) this is one of the more awesome documented correlations ever.

Update: Oh yeah, also infertility that happens with age is not all our fault.

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