Thursday, July 10, 2008

A friend of mine has put up an awesome post about three historical women who were important in the sciences and it reminded me of the notice Hedy Lamarr was getting a few weeks ago, since she is on his list along with Hypatia of Alexandria (the first recorded female mathematician) and Ada Lovelace (duh). You should really go read his post because he has a story about Hypatia that I had not heard and that simply warms the cockles of my heart; she apparently once discouraged a suitor by very graphically emphasizing the less romantic aspects of femininity. Just read it.

Hedy Lamarr was getting notice recently because this play about her life came out a little while ago and has been getting rave reviews. All of this inspires me to remind you people that teams with men and women on them get many more patents than single gender teams do and that women have more patents in software than any other field. This is especially relevant because one of my fondest memories of team work that was not only pleasant, but intoxicating, involved the friend who I linked to at the beginning of this post.

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