Thursday, July 10, 2008

Book Burning

Just as an aside, this dude has managed to say many things I agree with about Atlas Shrugged with more hilarity than I am capable of summoning. I have to give the book props for being part of a quad of books that had a very deep impact on me when I was 15 (extraordinarily long ago) and read them in a very short period of time, while engrossed in non-Euclidean geometry, but, oh, it's horrible.

Hat top: Hit and Run in a post about Ta-Nehisi Coates assertion that Marvin Gaye was a libertarian which I should have posted a when it came out. Coates is quickly becoming my new favorite blogger. I seem to get a new blog crush every few weeks.

P.S. The other books were Stranger in a Strange Land, The World According to Garp, and Catch-22. My Dad loves to claim that I went crazy just before my sixteenth birthday, but he never realized that books were the reason. Well, I'm sure he knew they were to blame somehow. Books are somehow to blame for most of the trouble I get into in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?