Monday, April 21, 2008

Oh, philosophy

So I've been working on the thesis and going over some of the major theory I am working with in my intro and I came across a little tidbit that I just had to share. It shows up in Chakrabarty's Provincializing Europe, but it actually comes from an exchange where Richard Rorty accuses Jurgen Habermas of believing "that the story of modern philosophy is an important part of the story of the democratic societies' attempts at self-reassurance." (45)

Update: I find this funny, though I seem to be alone in that. It's not that I think all of philosophy is this, certainly, but there is a tendency and I find this turn of phrase neatly encapsulates the myopic perspective that has all too often accompanied the hauteur necessary to write philosophy. It is one of my favorite quotes at this particular moment even though I don't think it will show up anywhere in my thesis.

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