Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It is possible for me to be intrested in sport(s)

I didn't think it was possible for me to like Ronaldo less, but the stories about him trying to hire three prostitutes only to find out they were men have accomplished the task. The men say he attacked them when he discovered their gender. He says they tried to extort money from him. Maybe there is something I'm missing, but wasn't he supposed to be giving them money? Yeah, ugly.

While I'm talking soccer, though, the Champions Cup is on! Man United beat Barcelona so my least favorite soccer player is going to Moscow. Strangely enough his success annoys me more because I have affection in my heart for Manchester. Memories of Manchester: curry at all hours, the scariest night off my life, my introduction to Red Bull and vodka, and the commemorative statue of Turing that is placed symbolically between the gay bars and the University. I've got a Turing test for you.

Hat tip: Plank

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