Wednesday, April 30, 2008


It is time for one of the posts where I just blab about multiple science things that have been building up in my link jar. Today's movement was inspired by one of the stranger pieces of news I have seen in a while: apparently, while menstrual blood does not contain actual stem cells, it does contain cells very similar to stem cells that seem to be more talented at turning into muscles than almost any other avenue scientists have found. This could be a massive breakthrough for things like muscular dystrophy and heart problems (which may also be helped by plastic red blood cells).

Women who have cesareans also tend to have fewer children afterward. Yet, the rate of cesareans performed is rising in the US. I know that there is nothing in this study that actually lends proof to the idea that part of the reason for this is the unpleasantness of the experience, but I cannot help but feel that the current trend towards giving birth by scheduling surgery is a bad thing for many reasons.

Scientists have found a new ocean current.

Progesterone may help people recover from traumatic brain injuries.

It seems like we should be able to keep arsenic out of baby food.

Exercise is good for the brain too.

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