Monday, October 03, 2005

When is banned books week?

Here is a reading list we should all enjoy. The American Libraries Association has published the list of the top 100 most challenged books at libraries. It's positively encouraging how many of them I have read. Is anybody suprised that the top ten includes Huck Finn , Harry Potter , Of Mice and Men, and my personal favorite Bridge to Terabithia, a book written by a missonary.


Anonymous said...

Just below the much lauded Private Parts, "Where’s Waldo?" by Martin Hanford; did I miss something? Who wants to ban Waldo? Is he somehow corrupting our youth? I most know what evil lurks in Waldo's heart.

Anonymous said...

Aaaah, a whole new category of porn, where you must hunt for the naughty bits instead of having them thrown in your face. That Waldo is deviously clever.