Monday, October 10, 2005

Having a ball with the Neu Tickles

Once again, I'm responding to a comment with a post, but I think it's justifiable this time. A few days ago Juicifer posted a story about this year's winner of the Ig Nobel prize in medicine, a guy who developed a prosthetic, cosmetic, testicular appliance for the clipped canine in your life. As Drucifer (Magnolia Sitter's only groupie) surmised in the comments, I was not unfamiliar with the product. And it's not because I've been to the vet for a semi-legal "Great Dane Update" myself. Yet. (Though one does wonder how many people see value in the trade from "functional" to "gigantic" and "indestructible". Do we have any H2 drivers in the house?) Anyway, Drucifer mentioned that our pal from grad school, the ever delightful Jack (Wildman) Lunn had found the product on the web years ago and made us all very aware of its (hilarious) existence.

What Drucifer did not know, was that MuggleMarc and I have something of a history with a homophone of the Neuticle. The Neu Tickles are the first, only, and greatest band that MuggleMarc and I have ever seen together in LA. We caught them at the Whisky A Go Go on our first visit there for SIGGRAPH 2001 (during which I also broke my nose and, as mentioned earlier, ran screaming down a cliff face with the brothers Muggle, but those are other stories). The Neu Tickles describe themselves as a Deutsche sexy punk folk band and that (to my recollection) just begins to scratch the surface. It looks like they still play together occasionally and I encourage all of the (commie, hippy) left coasters to check them out -- maybe the electric ukulele player will even keep his pants on.


magnoliasitter said...

And maybe one day surrelevant will go out with Marc and not injure himself.

Anonymous said...

And I take great offense at being called a hippie communist groupie just because I happen to live to the left of some imaginary line and I don't believe in blogs (to lengthy of a discussion for this waste of bits).

surrelevant said...

Hey Woodstockifer, you’re a groupie because you’re a fan, but not a member of the band. It was facetious exaggeration. That was true of the joke about your left coast residence as well, but a larger issue has been raised. Now you’re a hippy communist because you apparently can’t be bothered to note the difference between “to” and “too.”

To you, grammar may just be “the Man” harshing on your buzz, but it’s pretty important to those of us who understand the value of rules in society.

MuggleMarc said...

So I guess homophone is a synomym of homonym? I'd always used the latter, but I think I might switch to the more funny sounding one from now on.

Sir Elevant, that post brought melancholy tears to my eyes. The Neu Tickles show is an experience that I have yet to equal in my two years living here.

MuggleMarc said...

And Rachel, you can't blame me for your boyfriend's broken nose. I never even got a punch in.