Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Downhill Music v.02 : Sad Bastard Music

Here are two tunes without much text for those of you who don’t want to waste your time reading. If you get through both of these and don’t shed a single tear, I suggest a robot may appear somewhere in your family tree.

How to Beat the SAT by The Metric Mile
Similar to the Postal Service. Motomike, our newest member (hi moto!), and I once managed to confuse one another when I played these guys and he heard the name and thought I was playing metric, which is a different band.

Grandaddy by A. J. Roach
Yes, it is bluegrass, and it’s FABULOUS!

Enjoy the music you little cyborg babies.


Anonymous said...

the metric mile song is dope. I'd definitly like to here more from them.

grandaddy is also quite good, but the man needs to think about a name change or kids are gonna think he's a dope head!

keep up the good work sir elephant, you make the family proud...

Anonymous said...

before any militant grammarians get hold of the last entry, I acknowledge my type-o...should read "hear"

magnoliasitter said...

Hey Jeff, glad to have you on.

surrelevant said...

Well then jephrog, you're in luck. It would appear that the Metric Mile have made their entire (though small) catalogue available on their web page. Just follow the links.

I listened only to their one released EP that has "How to Beat the SAT" on it and all of the songs were quite good, though my favorites (besides for SAT) were "Amateurs" and "Isn't Almost So Much Better?"