Also, I will try and link directly to the music files themselves, so be aware (especially if you’re at work or something) that when you click on the link, the song will start playing immediately.
Now without further ado:
Light Saber by ballboy
I am least familiar with these guys and honestly, I haven’t been blown away by other stuff of theirs that I have listened to, but I love this song. Something about the lines “You dreamt of Princess Leia / Different ways you could save her / And then save yourself” make me happy and sad at the same time.
They’ve also got the song with one of the best titles I’ve ever heard. It’s called, “I Lost You, But I Found Country Music.” Not surprisingly (if you know my tastes), they are from Scotland.
Your Little Hoodrat Friend by The Hold Steady
This is topical, especially for the Lost fans out there. On last night’s episode, during one of the Hurly flashbacks, we saw Hurly ask the girl who worked in the record store out on a date. He invited her to a Hold Steady concert. Of course, she said yes.
I don’t see The Hold Steady as great date music, but whatever. It’s probably best to think of the album as a novella that tells of the trials and redemption of Holly, the hoodrat in the title. This would be about chapter three, so it’s out of context – but a great song nonetheless.
Upon This Tidal Wave of Young Blood by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
In direct contrast to ballboy, naming things doesn’t seem to be this band’s strong suit at all. But I have yet to hear a single song that disappoints. They made a huge splash in the blogosphere a few months ago and have since moved from unknown to anchoring a space on Rolling Stones Hot List. Also, though the band claims to hail from Brooklyn (yawn), the lead singer, Alec Ounsworth (he of THAT voice) is a native Philly boy.
UPDATE: As it turns out, this band is so hip right now, there is even the requisite McSweeney’s joke.
You know why CYHSY is wonderful...you may not be able to tell until you have listened to the guy enough to understand his voice but the title of the song refers to the churning mass of child stars and young Hollywood.
I'm dissapointed to find out that "Upon This Tidal Wave of Young Blood" is in fact not a heavy metal song. I think Drucifer will be with me on this one. Dream Theatre could have done such a better version.
I'd encourage you, Surrelevant, to not give up on this column just yet. I found "Light Saber" quite amusing, was happy to find the name of the band that plays "Your Little Hoodrat Friend" (been hearing it on the radio here, I think), and will definitely keep my ears open for more CYHSY. I hadn't heard of them before but I thoroughly enjoy that song.
You know, the aforementioned Mountain Goats do have a song entitled "The Best Death Metal Band in Denton."
Also, what is it about LA and metal, if Levi starts talking to me about thrashing there's going to be an intervention.
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