Monday, October 24, 2005

The beauty of human language.

I spoke with a marine who had just returned from Iraq. He related to me how proud he was at serving his country. He was "happy to kill those faggots. They were a bunch of punks." He literally frothed at the mouth when he said this. Lets just say that I hope he doesn't represent a significant portion of our fighting men and women.


mold pimp said...

Actually, a good friend of mine and a college roommate at Pitt served with the 4th ID in Bayvi (or something like that) for 7 months. Never wrote him a letter (typical of me) because of some movie-like script where the letter would arrive the day after he was shot by some 9 year old on a bicycle. Chose to IM instead; better for the karma to know that you are talking with someone versus hoping they are alive the time the letter gets to them. The most surreal experience was the conversation about his 2 month anniversary of being shot at in combat for the first time.

Monkey Courage said...

I'd like to amend this.

A few weeks earlier I also spoke to a young marine who had just returned from Iraq who was very articulate about his involvement and for the most part understood his role in the Iraq mission.

surrelevant said...

Monkey Courage, you seem to realize that your original post is offensive. Unfortunately your amendment does little but make the case that there exists the rare articulate individual amidst the “hundreds of thousands” of blood thirsty lunatics that apparently make up our armed services. What if people were to judge all actors by the words and actions of Paris Hilton or Tom Cruise?

I think you owe all of us (both readers and writers) an apology and, if you don’t choose to retract your post at least edit it to make very clear that it does not reflect the views of anyone else associated with the blog.

Monkey Courage said...

I can amend it by saying that I don't truly believe that all of our fighting men and women are bloodthirsty animals, but I did take offense to this marine's statement which he didn't feel the need to apologize for.

I do apologize for the knee jerk reaction to his statement. If anyone was offended by it, and you know who you are, then know that I was just as offended by this gentleman's statement, and as angered as many of you are, I am.

Monkey Courage said...

By the way, Surrelevant, I didn't write the amendment because I was afraid I had offended someone. I wrote it because I realized that it was unfair to portray everyone in the armed forces as frothing over the prospect of killing someone.