Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Cock and Bull Movie

There's a fair percentage of Magnolia Sitters who have studied under the same jedi master of enlightenment literature -- a certain Morrissey. No not him, the other one. It's not surprising then that they share his interest (expertise, in some cases) in Laurence Sterne's The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman.

What may be surprising is that they are not alone.

The BBC has produced a movie based on the novel that sounds fairly interesting and that is garnering Mr. Sterne breathless comparisons to Charlie Kaufman, belletristic prince of indie film. No release date has been set so far but I'm very curious to see it when (if) it ever arrives on our shores.


Anonymous said...

Porn site offers soldiers free access in exchange for photos of dead Iraqis
Warning: This story contains links to unsettling images and sites where people glorify violence and pornography -- and document the hell of war.
You have a great blog here. I don't maintain a good blog, but I do run a home furnishings site. It highlights quality home furnishings, apparel and gift sites. Stop by when you have a chance.

magnoliasitter said...

One of these days I will finish my thesis and then I will annoy all of you until you read at least one of the books. It's my evil plan.

magnoliasitter said...

Or at least my plan to cause great annoyance, which is really more where I tend to fall than evil.

MuggleMarc said...

That's nice Rachel, but I don't see how your comments address the free soldier pr0n mentioned by Anonymous.

surrelevant said...

Good point, muggle. Lets try and keep things on topic here Rachel, hmmmmmm.

Of course the connection between soldiers, pr0n, and home furnishings is a bit...hazey.

magnoliasitter said...

I'm not even talking about that site because the whole idea and philosophy behind it just insenses me, and you all know that isn't pretty.

As to the connections between Tristam Shandy and the vulgarity and brutality of war. I think they can be drawn, in fact, in certain ways that is exactly what I am trying to do.

And when have any of you ever know me to stay on topic?

magnoliasitter said...

Speaking of my thesis, I get the feeling I am not the only one who isn't getting much work done today.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Thesis.